Being a Beaver
When Beavers are invested they are expected to know the Beaver Scout Promise and also the opening and closing ceremonies.
The Beaver Scout Promise

Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony is performed at the beginning of each meeting at the scout hut.
Form a large circle
The register is taken
All shout HELLO
Closing Ceremony
Form a large circle
Leader wishes the Beavers Goodnight and say ‘1 2 3, who are we?’
All Beavers respond (very loudly) spelling out BEAVERS and then shouting the word.
The Romsey 9th Beavers meet every week during the school term on a Tuesday between 5.15pm and 6.30pm at the Scout hut and where possible, particularly in the spring and summer, activities and walks are organised at other locations. We offer a balanced programme of fun games and activities.
When we are at the hut we will give the children a drink of water and a biscuit or two, to keep them going.
We try to provide the opportunity for each Beaver to attend at least one sleepover, this is usually Saturday lunchtime to Sunday morning. We stay in Scout accommodation. Often it is the first time a child has stayed away from home and it is very exciting. Parent help is essential for this event to be successful and it is always great fun.
A programme is sent out at the beginning of each term detailing the activities and any specific permission for each of these activities.
Uniform and Badges
Beaver Scouts wear a turquoise sweatshirt, this is compulsory. There are also official scout ‘activity’ trousers which are the same right through scouting. These are not considered compulsory for Beaver Scouts, but please try and wear plain, preferably navy, trousers/joggers. Uniform is not worn to all meetings and it will be noted on the terms programme if it is a non uniform or scruffs meeting. Neckerchiefs are to be worn at all meetings.

During the course of your time in Beavers many activities will work towards badges. Badges are generally presented as they are earned, although sometimes there is a delay because we are away from the hut or we may need to purchase additional supplies.
We will ask you to provide evidence for certain badges such as swimming and musician, but will send details of the requirements for you to endorse.
It is our aim that every Beaver earns a full set of badges over the two years they are with us.
Parent Help
Parents are welcome to stay and help any evening, we run a parent help rota, with at least one parent help each week. Walks and outdoor activities do need extra help, it can be a very pleasant way to unwind after a tough day, please join in.
If you have any particular skills that could help run an evening – cookery, knots, sport, botany, chemistry, astronomy, painting – anything that might be suitable for a session, then please come forward as we are committed to delivering an interesting and varied programme and any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated.
Joining 9th Romsey Beavers