Waiting List Policy
Scouting in our area is very popular, and we have a waiting list for each section. To be transparent and open, we have defined the criteria of how we prioritise people on our waiting list.
The group is run entirely by volunteers and without these volunteers, the sections will be unable to run. If the numbers of volunteers reduces, the section numbers may also have to reduce.
There is also a requirement for all parents to help on the parent rota as a requirement of membership. See note 3 below.
Selection criteria
Where the number of young people wishing to be Beavers/ Cubs/ Scouts exceeds the number of places available, the following oversubscription criteria will be applied to decide which young people are to be admitted. Criteria will be applied in the order of sub-paragraphs 1 to 6 below.
- Children of existing warranted leaders and those in key roles on the Exec (Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary) for 9th Romsey (West Wellow) Scout Group.
- Children of those in other formal roles for the 9th Romsey (West Wellow) Scout Group.
- Young people who were in the previous section of 9th Romsey (West Wellow) Scout group, but for whom there wasn’t a space at the time they would have been due to move up, in order of date of birth.
- Young people moving up from the previous section of 9th Romsey (West Wellow) Scout group.
- Young people who are already in the Scouting movement who are moving from other Districts to the area.
- Young People on the waiting list, who do not fit into above criteria, starting from those whose date of birth makes them eligible to join who have been longest on the waiting list.
Note 1: Ultimately the Group does not exist without volunteers, and we feel it’s reasonable that someone who’s willing to invest time in helping to support the Scout Group should be able to include their child (or children) in that experience. Note: Parents need to commit to their role before their child is accepted.
Note 2: If there are more children to move up than there are spaces for in any of the categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 above, the order will be decided based on length of scouting service and attendance at weekly meetings, camps and parades. If there is still a tie, names will be drawn out of a hat by a member of the Exec not immediately involved with those sections.
Note 3: Exemption from helping the group can only be granted by the Group Scout Leader and Group Chairman (if one of these is unavailable they can be replaced by a member of the Exec not involved with the section). Exemption will only be granted in exceptional circumstances (e.g. severe disability or illness on the part of the parent/ guardian). Section leaders cannot grant this exception. The priority given to these children will be decided on an individual basis by the GSL and Group Chairman.
Note 4: If a place is offered to a Young Person on the waiting list and declined (or not acknowledged within one month), or the Young Person leaves the group and subsequently asks to return they will re-join the waiting list at the bottom.
Note 5: Admissions to each section will normally occur at the beginning of each term. Beavers will usually move up the term after they are 8 yrs, Cubs the term after they are 10 ½ yrs and Scouts the term after they are 14 yrs. Exceptions may be made to this, but only by agreement with the section leaders and Exec.
Note 6: We operate within the equal opportunities policy of The Scout Association and are open to all Young People, aged from 6 to 14 years, subject to spaces being available, and the Section having sufficient adults to run. The safety and well-being of all Young People is of utmost importance. We will try to make reasonable adjustments wherever possible to support the inclusion of young people with disabilities, medical conditions or additional needs. Where a young person falls into one of these categories, an assessment may be required before adding their name to the waiting list, to ensure that we would be able to meet their needs. If we were unable to do so, we would refer them to District to help to find a group suitable for their needs.
Getting onto the waiting list:
Each section has a person responsible for the waiting list.
To be added to the list, please fill out the Contact Form HERE.
A young person who is already in a section of 9th Romsey (West Wellow) Scout Group, does not need to register for the next section, their details will automatically get passed on.
Please note that siblings of members must register on the waiting list, it doesn’t happen automatically.
Appeal process:
If you feel your application has not been treated fairly, you are welcome to contact the Group Scout Leader, who will make the ultimate decision about Group Membership. Please use the following email address exec@wellowscouts.org
Updated December 2020