Attendance and Behaviour Policy
Attendance Policy
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers who do not attend regularly lose out by not having the opportunity to complete their badge work, their attendance patterns have a detrimental effect on the rest of their team, and they can create problems for the leaders in organising activities. They are also depriving another child of a place in the Pack; 9th Romsey has a long waiting list.
Any Beaver, Cub, Scout or Explorer who misses three meetings in a term without valid reason (principally illness) will immediately forfeit their place in the Group. Implementation of this policy is at the full and final discretion of the Section Leader(s), Group Scout Leader and District Commissioner.
9th Romsey Scout Group is run solely by volunteers and because of that we also require parental help at our meetings. Help is required in the form of section meetings and also with special projects, all of which will be communicated to all Parents at the beginning of each term / planning of a special project. If you cannot help on the meeting allocated to you, please swap with another parent and inform us. As part of a Scout’s membership with our Group, we expect parents to help at a meeting at least once a term.
Behaviour Policy
All Beavers / Cubs / Scouts sign up to a code of conduct when they take their promise and are enrolled into the group. All sections will be referred to as Scouts in the rest of the document. We expect all young persons to accept the promise, law and code of conduct as the acceptable standard.
We expect parents to fully support the Behaviour policy. Scouting should be a fun and safe activity for all members of the troop. It cannot be spoilt by the poor behaviour of a few individuals. Therefore, we ask parents to respect and support the leaders in their role. This is especially important in cases where your child needs to adapt their behaviour.
We operate a three-strike system;
- In the first instance of poor behaviour, the member will be asked to stop by one of the leadership team.
- If the poor behaviour continues, a verbal warning will be given.
- If the poor behaviour continues, they will be removed from the activity.
Members may also be immediately removed from activities for more serious behaviour. This is at the discretion of the leader in charge.
Parents will be informed when a member has been removed from an activity, and will also be informed of repeated poor behaviour over a series of meetings. The support and co-operation of all parents in reinforcing these rules will ensure that our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts can enjoy and benefit from all our activities.
If poor behaviour continues during the term(s), then the Scout Group reserve the right to implement the Scout Association Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR) Chapter 15 Complaints, Suspensions and Dismissals procedure.
Please refer to for the Scout Association’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
Updated December 2020