Being a Cub
We run an adventurous programme at Wellow Cubs which is outdoor focused and very much encourages the Cubs to partake in many exciting and learning activities. The Programme is wholly fun based but encompasses education through play and enjoyment as well as friendship and community.
Cub activities can include such things as climbing, caving, kayaking, archery, shooting, pioneering, hiking, orienteering, making fires, as well as building, doing craft, cooking, first aid, safety, problem solving, with much running and chasing to develop their differing characters and attributes. Taking part in all aspects is key to their involvement and enjoyment!
Every year we also hold a weekend Summer Camp and other interesting Sleepovers, and each term we enjoy many away day trips and events which all the Cubs can participate in. These can include forest hikes, mountain bike rides, visits to museums, treks to castles, learning experiences at places such as Oceanography and Science Centres and many, many others.
Please come and enjoy the fun with us!
The emphasis is on fun and we play a great deal of games centred on team play.
We provide the Cubs with traditional early stage experiences of numerous skills including map reading, compasses, knotting, pioneering, shelter building, fires, first aid, safety and more.
The Cubs may also learn or build on core skills such as building, cooking, fishing, personal and road safety, pet caring, cycling, etc.
The community and our surroundings also feature a great deal in our programmes with several local visits planned throughout each year.
We usually arrange a 2 night Camp each year, generally in Summer, which is the highlight for all the Cubs and 1 night Autumn Hike and Filmover!
Beliefs, Attitudes and Behaviour
When Cubs are invested they undertake to abide by the Cub Scout Promise, which they are expected to know.

The Cubs are still very young and learning through play is still our biggest goal but they are expected to respect all adults and fellow Cubs alike in accordance with our behaviour policy.
All Cubs and their parents are asked to read, sign and partake in a ‘Code of Conduct’ (devised by former Cubs) concerning behaviours whilst at Cubs.
We expect all Cubs to attend the two parades, St Georges and Remembrance Day, each year. These are important events for the whole Scout Section to come together as one group.
Our meetings are held on a Monday at 6.30pm – 8.00pm at the Scout Hut; we may also meet away from the hut for off-site activities, and alternative venues or timings are advised on the term programme, at the preceding meeting and via email where necessary.
The Cubs are split into Sixes with Sixers and Seconders leading the Six.
The current programme is available online. If there are any programme changes, e.g. due to weather, an email is sent out as soon as possible.
Subs are due at the start of term. Payments can be made by cheque or by direct debit.
Uniform and Badges
All Cubs must wear the Cub uniform of a dark green jumper and polo shirt and the 9th Romsey orange and green neckerchief.
The Cubs can achieve numerous badges both with our help through pack evenings and activities, and our further guidance for badges to be completed away from Cubs.
We firmly encourage the Cubs to complete home badges that are not always practical to run at Cub meetings but ask that all Cubs talk to the Leaders about what they want to do beforehand. Demonstrations may be required in meetings thereafter to secure the badge!

Parent Help
All our Leaders and regular helpers give up a great deal of their time freely to make Cubs a rewarding and diverse experience for all the Cubs.
In order to assist our team all parents are asked to come to at least one meeting per term to help with the planned activity. This is detailed on the programme issued prior to commencement of the term. With so many Cubs parent help is essential to the successful running of the pack. Don’t worry, this really is very easy and good fun, mostly!
We ask that if any parent cannot come on their allotted evening that they arrange to swap with another parent to ensure the evening is covered.
Joining 9th Romsey Cubs
Every new Cub has a trial period for the first part of each term and if they wish to join Cubs they will be formally invested during the term.
When invested a Cub will receive a certificate, a moving up badge if they have swum up from Beavers, and a ‘Little Badge Book’ to guide them through their time at Cubs and the experiences and awards they may achieve.
Generally, the Cubs join the pack the term after their 8th birthday and leave for Scouts after reaching 10½.